Creative Quilting Design Course

(9 customer reviews)


Joanie Zeier Poole shows how to create elegant quilting with her easy-to-use paper template system.



Joanie Zeier Poole shows how to create elegant quilting with her easy-to-use paper template system. With just a few simple tools, you will learn how to confidently approach borders, minimize and enlarge quilting motifs to fit your quilt measurements, and how to divide the spaces on your quilt top to add those beautiful quilting stitches that make quilts so very special.

Joanie shares how to find quilting inspiration from stencils, patterns, or 3-D objects and use them to fill squares, triangles, and more.

Play with the size of designs and minimize or maximize them for optimal visual advantage. Transfer quilt patterns onto your quilt tops with ease. A great class for beginners!

For your convenience, this class can be purchased for online viewing or purchased on DVD.

Click here for full curriculum, supply lists, and more. 


Joanie Zeier Poole is an award-winning quilter who uses innovative appliqué and thread illustrations to create original quilts that express her personal stories. She enjoys sharing her skills and experience in lectures and workshops. Her encouraging teaching style appeals to students and puts them in the best frame of mind to learn. She is an author and pattern designer who recently earned a degree in graphic design. Her educational background enables her to blend her passion for quiltmaking with twenty-first century technology to create unique quilting design collections in a sophisticated and elegant style.

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9 reviews for Creative Quilting Design Course

  1. Elaine Armenta (verified owner)

    This would be a good class for complete beginners. Very simplistic and way to short, it’s done before you know it. This class isn’t showing you how to quilt anything, as she does no real stitching. It’s only good for those people that need to learn how to get patterns to fit your quilt, then a few ideas on how to mark them. I’ve pretty much seen all of this on utube.

  2. Jessie Vialpando (verified owner)

    Great lesson on designing your own quilts or even table runners. I will have to practice even on placemats or mug rugs.

  3. Shelby Trapp (verified owner)

    Wow! I loved this course! I can’t wait to watch it again and again as I work on my projects! I am a beginner quilter who is just starting to learn how to free-motion quilt. The design process can be a little overwhelming to me. This course not only gave me an idea of what to quilt but where to find inspiration for different designs. Now, I am looking at all kind of things around the house in a new light! I especially liked all of the “little tricks” that Joanie includes, those simple tips have boosted my confidence in making choices for my own quilting designs. I will definitely recommended this course to my friends! It is packed full of tips, accurate technique, and inspiration!

  4. Carrie Lee (verified owner)

    What a great class that is loaded with useful information!
    I have only bee quilting for about two years. I have watched numerous videos and read many books, along with talking with those in the quilting world to advance my knowledge of this wonderful art. I mostly do patchwork but want to grow in my abilities.
    After watching this class I have definitely gained so many ideas to fill spaces and how to create ideas for those spaces. The ideas that were presented are probably around the house or in things you may see as you go about your day. Getting ideas, putting them on paper and then into the quilt itself is easy to do once you watch how it is done. Love the step by step directions.
    From choosing fabric, sewing the top, pressing seams, choosing designs and to get them balanced on the top is easier than it seems when it is explained in an understandable method makes advancing quilting skills less intimidating.
    Happy Quilting Everyone!

  5. Margaret M Nordwig (verified owner)

    I have been quilting for 25+ years. I own most of Joanie’s books and some of her quilting design packets, so I was excited to see her class was available online. Most of the patchwork patterns I make do not tell you how to quilt them -quilt as desired is usually listed. I have been searching for ways to use a design to fill all the different spaces I need to fill on my quilts so that the finished quilt is my individual quilt, not a copy of someone else. Her paper template concept is so simple and can be applied to ANY quilt. I thought this was going to be very difficult. By showing us how to use stencils and designs on paper and using objects to do rubbings, she has really opened my eyes to all the things around us that can be incorporated into the design process to make each quilt reflect my personality. I am eager to use the free designs in my next quilting project…. Thank you for the inspiration!

  6. Deedee Isaacs (verified owner)

    Joanie has delivered here, after a rough start . The course materials were not all available for some reason and Joanie came through on News Year Day, sending me the materials I needed to help me get started with my hands on learning . The designs are perfect and now I can follow along with the video when ever I want.
    Thank you again Joanie.

  7. Christie Hardt (verified owner)

    I have been sewing all of my life and quilting for the past 12 years. I have taken many classes and seminars over the years. It was my privilege to attend a three day seminar with Joanie in October 2015. I can say that I got the most from her method of teaching than any class I have taken before. She is able to work with everyone regardless of their skill levels. I have been able to implement what I have learned in furthering my skills. Watching this video really helped me in learning the skills in order to properly dissect my quilt to plan for quilting motifs and to think ahead in planning my quilt as to how and where I will place my quilting skills. Thank you Joanie! Christie Hardt – Clare, Illinois

  8. Ronna Serota (verified owner)

    I was a bit disappointed at the basic level of information provided and think that perhaps the course should be advertised as a basic class or beginner class in the course description.

  9. Sabrina Stark (verified owner)

    This was my 5th iQuilt class & unfortunately, I was not impressed. There was very little information about choosing designs. Mostly it focused on how to fold paper to make a template & how to calculate the percentage of increase/reduction of a template to make it fit in any quilt. In addition, it was frustrating to see the instructor insist on the importance of being very careful and accurate while her examples had lines that were noticeably off the fold or off the design she was tracing. It wasn’t clear whether she was rushing due to a short filming schedule, or whether it is actually acceptable to not be exact when marking guide lines or designs. This class was definitely not on par with the quality instruction I have seen in other AQS iQuilt classes.

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