Divide, Design & Fill for Beautiful Quilting Course

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Lisa H. Calle has developed a method to divide large spaces on a quilt top into smaller sections and add beautiful quilting motifs and fills.

Looking at open spaces on a quilt top can be overwhelming, but in this class, you’ll learn a step-by-step process that produces one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Lisa shows how to turn large spaces into smaller, more manageable sections by adding a series of dividing lines.

Place lovely feathers, ferns, and leaves within the lines. Then, put the finishing touches on your quilts with fills that make your quilting motifs pop! Lisa even shows what to do to make that quilting mistake look like it was part of the quilting plan.

No matter your preferred quilting method—hand, domestic machine, or longarm—this class will leave you looking forward to creating your own quilting designs. And best of all, the entire method requires hardly any marking or measuring!

This class is available for online viewing only. No DVD available.

Total Duration 2hr 6min

Supply List


If I work alongside Lisa in the class, what will I have when I am finished?

You will have a three-step method to use whenever you decide to create quilting designs for a finished top. You’ll have the confidence to divide areas for quilting into sections and will know how to draw a balanced design. You’ll also know how to make feathers, variations of feathers, and flowers and ferns that can be added as special motifs. Finally, you’ll know how to add fills to make the entire design a cohesive unit when completed. All of that—with little or no measuring, marking, or math!

Do I need to have a longarm to take this class?

Absolutely not! This is a class that provides a technique for creating quilt designs. The approach can be adapted to hand, domestic machine, or longarm quilting. Lisa does demonstrate on the longarm, but the design technique is the focus of the class.

What if I have questions?

We recommend that you watch the class in its entirety and become familiar with the downloadable materials. At that point, if something is unclear, click the “Contact Teacher” link to a question and Bethanne will get back with you.

When can I get started?

We know you are excited to get started. After you have purchased the class, you can enjoy it anywhere and anytime you have Internet. The class belongs to you, so watch it as many times as you like!



Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
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