Big Block Tote Project

Last week we made the Rabbit Hole block – an 18″ snail trail in tribute to Alice and her trippy rabbit hole. If you need to catch up, here’s the tutorial.

Considering we’ve done quilt projects for the last two blocks, we put our heads together and changed it up a bit. Take a look at our latest creation.

Rabbit Hole Tote


You will need one 18″ Rabbit Hole block (ours came to 18 5/8″ unfinished).



Instructions for the Rabbit Hole block are here. Make 1.


You will need a back side square (or second block), two lining squares all the same size as the unfinished measurement of your block, and two sets of 3″ denim strips totaling 95″ each.


Trim all 3″ handle strip ends at a 45 degree angle. It doesn’t matter how many scraps you need to use, as long as they total 95″ for each handle.


Join the handle strips by overlaying the ends right side to wrong side of fabric. Top stitch two rows of stitching to secure. Stay stitch at the ends.


Sew all the strips together for each handle. Sew one handle’s ends together to form a loop. Leave the other handle as a long strip.


Sew the lining to the front block, right sides together, along the top only. Repeat for the back and other lining square. Press the two pieces wrong sides together along the top edge. Topstitch the edge if desired.


With the wrong sides together of the lining and back, lay them flat on a table. Make sure the edges are even. Use a plate or other object to round the corners. Pick anything that gives you the gentle curve you want.


Use a pen to mark the curve.


Cut through the back and lining at the same time along the curved line.


Repeat for the front and lining.


Sew the looped handle around the edge of the front and lining by overlapping the handle edge about 1/2″ onto the right side of the bag front (with the lining). I used a walking foot so there were not issues with the layers. The side of the foot made a good guide. Sew 1/4″ in between the overlapped edges.


Here is a close up of the corner with the overlapped handle seam showing. Ease the handle along the corner of the bag as you sew them together.


Reinforce the handle seams at the top edge of the bag. I double stitched everything to reinforce the seams.


Repeat with the back side and lining, sewing it to the other side of the handle using overlapping seam. Here is what the inside of the back looks like once this step is complete.


Fold the remaining handle in half to find center. With the bag right side out, pin the center of the handle to the center of the bottom of the bag. Continue pinning around the bag and along the first handle. This handle fits right between the stitch lines where the previous handle was joined to the front and back. Follow the stitches as guides and pin the handle in place.


Here is a side view of the second handle pinned into place.


Turn the bag right side out and sew along the previous handles stitching to sew the pinned handle in place. Notice the pin is showing from the underside. (Be sure to pull those out as you go along.)


Use a scrap cut with angled ends to secure the place where the handle ends join on the looped handle. Wash the bag so the edges will begin to fray. The more the bag is used the more frayed the overlapped seam’s edges will get.

Download a pdf of this tutorial here.

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