Art Deco Comb Quilt

Check out the Art Deco Comb quilt! Create a stunning pattern with one simple block.

art deco quilt

Art Deco Comb

60″ x 60″

by Emily Cross

Fabric Requirements

Blue — 3 1/4 yards
Cream — 2 1/8 yards
Binding — 1/2 yards
Backing — 4 yards of 42″ wide fabric, or 2 yards of 108″ wide fabric
Batting — 70″ x 70″

Cutting Instructions

From the cream fabric, cut:
(4) 5″ x Width of Fabric (WOF) strips, and subcut into
(25) 5″ x 5″

(20) 2 1/2″ x WOF strips, and subcut into
(50) 2 1/2″ x 8 1/2″
(100) 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″

From the blue fabric, cut:
(4) 5″ x WOF strips, and subcut into
(25) 5″ x 5″

(7) 4 1/2″ x WOF strips, and subcut into
(25) 4 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

(24) 2 1/2″ x WOF strips, and subcut into
(50) 2 1/2″ x 12 1/2″
(100) 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″

From the binding fabric, cut:
(7) 2 1/2″ x WOF strips

Unit Assembly

Peak Units

Mark the wrong side of the cream 5” squares in half diagonally once. Lay a marked cream square over a blue 5” square, right sides together. Sew a quarter inch from each side of the marked line. Cut apart on the marked line. Press half towards the cream and half towards the blue.

Trim unit to 4 ½” square. Repeat to make 50 Half Square Triangles (HST).

Mark the wrong side of the blue 2 1/2″ squares in half diagonally once. Lay the marked square in the corner of an HST on the cream side, as shown.

art deco quilt

Sew on the marked line and trim 1/4″ from the sewn line to create the seam allowance. Repeat on all 50 HST. On HST pressed towards the blue, press towards the smaller blue triangle. On HST pressed towards the cream, press towards the cream again.

Sew one of the blue-pressed and one of the cream-pressed units together to make a Peak unit. Repeat to make 25 Peak units.

art deco quilt

Unit measures 4 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ unfinished.

Column Units

Lay a marked blue 2 1/2″ square right sides together with a cream 2 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangle on the corner as shown below. Sew across the marked line, and then trim 1/4″ from the seam and press.

Make 25 as shown above for the Left Column units

Make 25 as shown above for the Right Column units.

Sew a Left Column and a Right Column unit to the sides of a blue 4 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangle.

Repeat to make 25 Center Column units. Center Column unit measures 8 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ unfinished.

Outer Parallelogram Units

Mark the wrong side of the cream 2 1/2″ squares in half diagonally once. Lay a marked cream square right sides together with a blue 2 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ rectangle on the ends as shown below.

Sew across the marked line, and then trim 1/4″ from the seam and press.

Make 25 as shown above for the Left Outer Parallelogram units.

Repeat the previous process with the marked line slanting the other direction, as shown.

Make 25 as shown above for the Right Outer Parallelogram units.

Block Assembly

Sew a Peak unit to the top of a Center Column Unit.

Repeat to make 25 block centers. Block measures 8 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ unfinished at this step.

Sew a Left Parallelogram and a Right Parallelogram unit to the sides of the block center as shown below.

Art Deco Comb block measures 12 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ unfinished.

art deco quilt

Art Deco Comb Quilt Assembly

Lay out the blocks into five rows of five blocks as shown below. Sew the blocks together into rows and then sew the rows together to complete the quilt top.

art deco quilt

Quilt measures 60 1/2″ x 60 1/2″ unfinished.

Layer with batting and backing. Quilt as desired and bind using your preferred method.

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