The traditional Square and Stars block comes to life as if by magic when ten unique blocks are made from ten fat quarters. Annie Smith talks about focus fabrics and the importance of color value which will help you choose the best fat quarters for this project.

Learn tips for accurate cutting and how to best sort the fabric pieces. Constructing a mini batting board for each block will help during the design process and will also keep small cuts of fabric from becoming misplaced. Annie shows how to pin and sew seams that result in perfect points. She also demonstrates fixing areas that are less than perfect rather than ripping entire pieces apart. Sashing, cornerstones, and borders complete the quilt.

You’ll learn so much about color, design, and precision piecing in this class that you’ll be eager to choose the next ten fat quarters and create even more magic!

This class be purchased for online viewing or on DVD for your convenience.

Supply List


How many blocks will I make?

You’ll make ten Square and Stars blocks, all different from each other, using ten fat quarters. Along the way, you’ll learn some tips about cutting, precision piecing, and design. You’ll have such fun playing with the many ways to use the ten fat quarters. Annie even has you using scraps from the fat quarters, so there is very little waste!

Should I purchase all of my fabrics at once?

First, watch the class and read over the supply list and pattern instructions carefully. Then, either purchase the fat quarters you need or pull them from your stash. Annie suggests waiting to buy your sashing and border fabrics after your blocks are complete.

If I am not confident about selecting fabrics, will this be a hard class for me?

If you are not confident about your color selection abilities, this is actually a great class to choose! Annie talks quite a bit about fabrics and value in this class. Plus, the project gives you lots of opportunities to work on your design expertise, all before a single seam is stitched.

What if I have questions?

We recommend that you watch the class in its entirety and become familiar with the downloadable materials. At that point, if something is unclear, click the “Contact Teacher” link to a question and Bethanne will get back with you.

When can I get started?

We know you are excited to get started. After you have purchased the class, you can enjoy it anywhere and anytime you have Internet. The class belongs to you, so watch it as many times as you like!



Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
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