Abstract Quilts in Solids Course

Using only solids, Gwen Marston offers many traditional designs that can be transformed into more modern blocks, making your quilts fun and relaxing to create. Sew traditional squares, triangles, and framed squares.

Recut simple blocks into wonky shapes that add up to quilts that are playful and interesting. Construct a Rail Fence with Gwen’s Liberated method that includes wedges and curves. Learn the fun of designing your own quilts using solids that bring out the best in these traditional-made-modern techniques.

Try her approach for sewing odd-sized and elongated triangles and add expressive borders that are stress free! Gwen shows how to make strippy quilts while learning about color and scale. She finishes the class by showing how to make string quilts that require no foundation piecing.

This class does not come with an option to email the instructor if you have questions, but Gwen provides complete step-by-step instructions that beginner, intermediate, and advanced quilters will understand.

For your convenience, this class can be purchased for online viewing or purchased on DVD.

Total Duration: 2hr 20min

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What will I learn in this class?

Gwen starts with traditional squares and triangles. She shows how to make a framed square. Then she amps up the creativity by showing how to recut blocks to add interest. You’ll learn how to make a Jacks block, an Hourglass, a Pinwheel, and a Nine-Patch block. True to Gwen’s style, she adds her own special ways of cutting these so that the quilts pop with personality. You’ll learn how to make these traditional blocks in Gwen’s trademark Liberated style. The remaining two lessons address strippy quilts and string quilts. You’ll have fun with solids like never before. As Gwen says, “Think of it as playtime at the sewing machine.”

Why solids?

Gwen demonstrates that quilts made entirely of solids have a more “painterly” appearance than those made with prints. They show more line and form, allowing the quilting to show up better.

Will I make a project in this class?

While there is no specific project offered in this class, what you will learn are techniques that will enable you to create your own quilts from solids—no patterns required!

What if I have questions?

We recommend that you watch the class in its entirety and become familiar with the downloadable materials. At that point, if something is unclear, click the Contact Us link and a staff member will assist you.

When can I get started?

We know you are excited to get started. After you have purchased the class, you can enjoy it anywhere and anytime you have Internet. The class belongs to you, so watch it as many times as you like!



Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
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