3 Embellished Fabric Bags Course

Choose one or all three of these original patterns from Rami Kim and whip up tote bags that reflect your creativity.

Make a Two Fat Quarter tote, a Lotus Blossom tote, or a Doo Roo Mah Gey tote and learn how to embellish with delicate but easy-to-do fabric folding. You’ll be surprised at how quickly these lovely bags come together.

Hesitant about getting that zipper sewn in the correct way? Rami’s method is fast, stress free, and doesn’t even require a zipper foot!

Along the way, learn how to make a lining that stays put and a box pleat pocket that will keep those small essentials from getting lost in the bottom of the bag. Speaking of the bottom of the bag, Rami will show how to create a flat bottom so your bag will hold its form.

Add the special touch of leather handles and your bag is complete. After making one of these bags, you’ll be eager to make the next—whether for yourself or for a friend!

For your convenience, this class can be purchased for online viewing or purchased on DVD.

Total Duration: 2hr 39min

Supply List


What is the meaning of Chopkey?

Chopkey is the Korean word for folding. In this class, you will learn how to fold fabric to add dimension to the finished product. No special fabrics or ribbons are used. On the supply list, Chopkey ribbon or Chopkey fabric amounts simply refer to fabrics or ribbons that will be folded, thus making it Chopkey fabric or Chopkey ribbon—fabric or ribbon that will be folded and used to embellish the bag. When you see how easy it is to do and what a lovely accent it adds to fabric projects, you’ll be glad you purchased the class!

What is included in the course?

Rami shows how to make three bags: Two Fat Quarter Tote Bag, Lotus Blossom Tote Bag, and Doo Roo Mah Gey Tote Bag. The directions are so clear and straight seams are used throughout. Rami has a special section about adding leather handles to the tote bags and even how to add new life to a purse that shows some wear and tear. The best part is that making these totes can be great stash busters!

Is fabric folding complicated?

Not at all! Although it gives your tote bag a look of elegance, Rami explains everything in a step-by-step manner that will have you thinking about how to add these features to other quilts and crafts.

If I’ve never made a purse or tote, much less sewn a zipper into anything, will I be able to make one of these bags?

You’ll be amazed at how quickly these tote bags come together! Don’t worry about the zipper because Rami will have you attaching zippers in no time flat. Her method doesn’t even require a zipper foot. Rami gives super-clear instructions and you can pat yourself on the back when you are carrying one of these stylish bags or giving them as gifts.

What if I have questions?

We recommend that you watch the class in its entirety and become familiar with the downloadable materials. At that point, if something is unclear, click the “Contact Teacher” link to a question and Rami will get back with you.

When can I get started?

We know you are excited to get started. After you have purchased the class, you can enjoy it anywhere and anytime you have Internet. The class belongs to you, so watch it as many times as you like!



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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
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